Ludvika kommuns logotyp.

Compulsory School 6-16 year

In Sweden, all children are entitled to a high-quality education through the compulsory school system, which is free of charge and includes children aged 6 to 16. The system is divided into three stages: Preschool Class, Primary School and Lower Secondary School. The school year starts mid-August and lasts until the beginning of June.

Most compulsory schools are municipal in Ludvika. We got one independent school, Olympica External link. (Preschool Class and Primary School).

See where all schools in the Municipality of Ludvika are located on a map. External link.

Primary School

Primary School (Ages 6–12). Primary school includes grades 1–6. Before starting grade 1, children attend a preparatory year called Pre-school class "förskoleklass" .

All children in pre-school class up to year 6 (6–13 years) who have both parents working or studying are entitled to a placement in out-of-school care.

Lower Secondary School

Lower Secondary School (Ages 13–16). Covering grades 7–9. After secondary school, most young people continue their studies at Upper secondary school.

Compulsory School for Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities

Compulsory School for Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities is intended for children aged 7 to 16 who have an intellectual disability or an acquired brain injury.

In Ludvika, we have two schools for Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities: Björkhaga and Björkås.

English class at Kyrkskolan

In Ludvika, there is an opportunity to join an English class. In the English class, instruction is conducted in English for certain subjects and in Swedish for others. The English class follows the Swedish curriculum just like other classes.

One of the benefits of the English class is that students join a class they have chosen because they are interested in English and find it relatively easy to speak, write, read, and listen in English.

Teaching in the English class began in the autumn of 2023 with Year 7 at Kyrkskolan. During the 2025–2026 academic year, there will be English classes for Years 7, 8, and 9 at Kyrkskolan. Each new academic year, new students are offered the chance to start in an English class for Year 7.

Interest and Proficiency in English

The aim is to provide students who have a particular interest in English with excellent language skills, meaning the ability to express themselves well in both speech and writing. At the same time, the teaching ensures that students acquire sufficient proficiency in Swedish to meet the requirements of all subjects. The English class is open to all students who wish to apply, whether they are native English speakers, Swedish speakers, or speakers of another mother tongue

Teaching in English and Swedish

Students in the English class have more subjects taught in English than other students. They receive instruction in English for civics, geography, history, religion, technology, biology, physics, and chemistry, which accounts for 35 percent of the teaching. Other subjects are taught in Swedish together with the rest of the students.

Although some of the teaching is conducted in English, it must still ensure that students acquire sufficient proficiency in Swedish to meet the knowledge requirements in all subjects.

According to the School Ordinance, a maximum of 50 percent of teaching may be conducted in English.

Does it sound interesting?

If you are starting Year 7 or Year 8 in the autumn, you can contact the principal of Kyrkskolan for more information on how to apply for the English class.


Kristin Hägglund, or 0240-56 58 63.

School attendance

School attendance means that children have both a right and an obligation to attend school. You will find more information on how the schools in Ludvika Municipality work to ensure student attendance at the site School attendance.

A school-age child painting with her hands.

Out-of-school care (fritidshem)

All children in pre-school class up to year 6 (ages 6 to 13) who have both parents working or studying are entitled to a placement in out-of-school care when needed.

School transport

The municipality's school transport applies to students from preschool class up to and including year nine. All guardians who believe that their child (attending compulsory school) requires school transport must apply for it.

Kontakta oss

Ludvika kommun

Social- och utbildningsförvaltningen
0240-860 00

Questions about School-age educare

Phone hours weekdays 10 AM - 12 PM:

0240-862 92, 0240-866 94, 0240-864 88.

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