Compulsory School 6-16 year
Most children begin in a pre-school class when they are 6 years old. The pre-school is compulsory. After the pre-school class, thy begin in the nine-year compulsory school.
Most compulsory schools are municipal in Ludvika. We got one independent school, Olympica External link..
Pre-school class (förskoleklass)
Pre-school class in Sweden is compulsory for children from the age of 6, and is free of charge, as is lunch during the school day. The school year starts mid-August and lasts until the beginning of June.
Children aged 7-16
Nine-year compulsory school is for children from the age of 7 — 16 (forms 1-9), and is free of charge, as is lunch during the school day. The school year starts mid-August and lasts until the beginning of June.
English class at Kyrkskolan
Why an English class?
The aim is to provide students who has a special interest in English with excellent language skills, i. e. the ability to express themselves well in both speech and writing. The education will simultaneously ensure that the students gain sufficient knowledge in Swedish to meet the requirements in all subjects.
What does it entail?
Students in the English class will recive more English education than other students. Their classes in social studies, geography, history, religion, technology, biology, physics, and chemistry will be taught in English. Other subjects are taught together with the rest of the students.
The students will be studying in a class that they have applied for with peers with similar interests.
Students need to make an effort to achieve excellent skills in both English and other subjects.
Education in Swedish
Though part of the education is in English, the school will still ensure that the students gain sufficient knowledge in Swedish to meet the educational requirements in all subjects. Regarding to the school regulations, a maximum of 50 percent of the education can be in English.
School-age educare (fritidsverksamhet)
For children in pre-school class until year 6 who need care before or after school and during school holidays, there are School-age educare centers (Swedish) . School-age educare supplements the education in the pre-school class and school up through year 6.
Fees are payable for School-age educare. For example:
07:30 - 08:30 school-age educare before pre-school class, fees are payable
08:30 - 13:30 pre-school class, free of charge but compulsory
13:30 - 16:00 school-age educare after pre-school class, fee payable
School-age educare are not compulsory.
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