Ludvika kommuns logotyp.

School Admissions Process

Ahead of the 2025/2026 academic year, there will be a school selection process for pre-school class and Year 7, which will take place via the online service “Mitt Skolval.” As a guardian, you will specify which school you would like your child to attend in the coming academic year by submitting and ranking your preferences in the e-service.

The admissions period is from 13 January to 31 January 2025

1. Good to know before choosing a school

Compulsory schooling from the autumn term of the year the child turns six

Compulsory schooling means that children registered in Sweden must attend compulsory school or adapted compulsory school for at least ten years. These ten years consist of one pre-school class followed by Years 1–9. Attendance at school is free of charge.

Compulsory School for Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities

Information about Compulsory School for Pupils with Intellectual Disabilities

You may apply for an earlier or later school start

You must submit an application for an earlier school start if you want your child to begin the municipal pre-school class in the autumn term of the year the child turns five.

If you wish your child to start pre-school class one year later, you must apply for this. At the same time, you must also apply for a school placement for your child.

2. Find schools

Here you will find all the schools available in the Municipality of Ludvika.

Independent school – Olympicaskolan

In Ludvika, there is the independent Olympicaskolan in Håksberg, run by an external provider. Applications are made directly to Olympicaskolan. Information and application forms can be found at External link.

If your child has been offered a place at an independent school and you therefore do not wish to keep a place at a municipal compulsory school, you must log in to [Mitt Skolval (Link to external website)] and relinquish the municipal place.

3. How to indicate your school preferences in the school choice for the next academic year

a. Ahead of the 2025/2026 school selection
The school selection for the 2025/2026 academic year will be open from 13 January to 31 January 2025.

  • Log in with BankID to the “Mitt Skolval” e-service External link. (Swedish).
  • You can choose up to three schools and rank them.
  • If the child has two guardians, both must log in and approve the choice for it to be valid.

b. Who should choose
You must take part in the school selection if you have a child:

  • who turns six and is to start pre-school class
  • who is currently in Year 6 and will move on to Year 7 (you must choose even if you want your child to remain at their current school for Year 7)

c. Both guardians must approve the choice
If the child has two guardians, both must approve the choice for it to be valid. One guardian logs in and chooses schools, then the other guardian logs in and approves these choices. If the guardians do not agree, the Municipality of Ludvika will decide which school the child is placed in.

If you know that the other guardian is unable, for some reason, to approve the choice, you must contact the Social and Education Administration (Social- och utbildningsförvaltningen) before the selection period ends.

d. Applying to an independent school
If you apply to and receive a place at an independent school, you must still log in to “Mitt Skolval ” e-service External link. (Swedish) and give up your place at a municipal school.

4. How municipal places are allocated

We strive to accommodate the preferences you, as a guardian, make. However, the capacity of the schools means we cannot always accept everyone who wants a particular school. In such cases, we use selection criteria.

All pupils registered in the Municipality of Ludvika are entitled to a place at a municipal compulsory school within a reasonable distance from their home.

The main principle is that a pupil registered in the Municipality of Ludvika shall be placed at the municipal school unit requested by the guardian, in accordance with Sections 9 Chapter 15 and 10 Chapter 30 of the Swedish Education Act (2010:80).

The municipality may deviate from the guardian’s preference if:

  • the requested placement would entail significant organisational or financial difficulties for the municipality, or
  • it is necessary with regard to the safety and peaceful study environment of other pupils.

If it is not possible to meet all guardians’ preferences, the following criteria are used for placement according to the order below:

For pre-school class to Year 6:

  1. Protected identity (confidential address)
  2. Sibling priority*
  3. Relative proximity (Swedish)

For Years 7–9:

  1. Protected identity
  2. Relative proximity (Swedish)

*Sibling priority applies for pupils who attend or will start in pre-school class and Years 1–6.

Sibling priority applies to all children registered at the same address (regardless of whether the children are biological siblings or not).

If there are more pupils with sibling priority than available places at a school, those pupils who live relatively closer to the school will be placed first.

5. Receiving your placement decision

During week 10 of 2025, you will receive information about your child’s school placement.

6. Place in School-age educare (fritidshem)

If your child needs a place in anSchool-age educare, you must apply for this separately before the school year begins.

Go to the service “Apply for a place in School-age educare". (Swedish)

7. School transport (skolskjuts)

The Municipality of Ludvika always tries to accommodate the guardian’s choice of school placement. A pupil who meets the basic requirements for school transport, but who chooses a school through the school selection process that results in a longer distance between home and school than the distance to the school originally allocated by the municipality, is only entitled to school transport if it does not entail organisational difficulties or additional costs for the municipality.

If your child needs school transport, you can apply for it at the same time as you apply for a school place. You will receive a decision on school transport well before the start of the school year, ensuring that it can be in place from the first day of school.

8. Changing school within the Municipality of Ludvika

If you wish to change schools, you must apply via the municipality’s online service Change of School. (Swedish)

9. Newly arrived or recently moved to the area

Here you can find information about all schools available in the Municipality of Ludvika. (Swedish)

10. How to appeal a decision

Instructions for appeal

If you wish to appeal the decision, you must address your submission to the School Appeals Board (Skolväsendets överklagandenämnd) and appeal the decision. The submission should state which decision you are appealing, the change you are requesting, and the reasons why.

The submission must be signed by the person appealing and must include contact details and personal identity number.

The submission should be sent or delivered to the Social and Education Committee (Social- och utbildningsnämnden) in the Municipality of Ludvika, which will forward it to the School Appeals Board.

Social- och utbildningsförvaltningen
Östra Storgatan 29 A
771 50 Ludvika

The appeal must be in writing, signed, and include the following information:

  • Name, address, telephone number
  • Which decision is being appealed
  • The grounds on which you base your appeal
  • Any documents supporting your viewpoint

The appeal must reach the Social and Education Committee in the Municipality of Ludvika within three weeks from the day you were notified of the decision.

If you would like more information on how to appeal, contact the Social and Education Administration, telephone +46 (0)240-86 000.

Kontakta oss

Social- och utbildningsförvaltningen
0240-860 00

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