Getting Married
Before you can get married in Sweden, you must apply to Skatteverket (the Swedish Tax Agency) for consideration of impediments to marriage.
You can read more about marriage at Skatteverket External link. . It is also here that you order the Consideration of impediments to marriage, application and affidavit (form SKV 7880, in Swedish).
You may choose to marry civilly or via a religious organisation. Please contact your marriage officiant in good time and submit the documents you receive from Skatteverket to the relevant party well in advance of the ceremony. Please remember that organisations that perform marriage ceremonies – such as municipalities – often need to receive these documents early to begin planning. After the ceremony, the officiant will fill in the relevant details on your wedding certificate form and send it to Skatteverket.
Civil wedding in Ludvika
If you would like to have a civil wedding in Ludvika, you should contact Ludvika kommun (the Municipality of Ludvika) via the reception at Stadshuset (the Town Hall). A civil wedding is a legally binding ceremony without religious elements and is free of charge. If you get married somewhere other than Stadshuset, the officiant may charge for travel to your chosen location.
The simplest form of civil wedding takes only a few minutes. You can also discuss with the officiant if you have special requests, such as music, poems, or similar, to make your wedding ceremony more personal.
- The ceremony must be witnessed by two adults.
- Bring identification to the ceremony.
- If you need an interpreter, you are responsible for arranging this yourself. The interpreter may also act as a witness.
What to do!
Here’s what to do if you would like a civil wedding in Ludvika:
- Order the Consideration of impediments to marriage, application, and affidavit (form SKV 7880, in Swedish) from Skatteverket
External link..
- Contact and book one of Ludvika kommun’s marriage officiants (vigselförrättare), see contact information below. Agree on the time and place.
- Once the consideration of impediments is complete, submit the "Certificate of Consideration of Impediments" and "Certificate of Marriage" forms from Skatteverket to the reception at Stadshuset at least one week before the wedding.
- After you have agreed on the time and place with the officiant, contact the reception at Stadshuset as soon as possible and inform them. It is important that the booking is registered by the reception at Stadshuset to ensure everything is prepared for the wedding.
- In Stadshuset, there is a wedding room that you can book through the Stadshuset, reception.
- If you want to get married somewhere other than Stadshuset, you will need to arrange the venue and witnesses yourself, as well as any possible travel expenses for the officiant.
- For weddings in Stadshuset, Stadshuset’s reception can arrange witnesses on weekdays between 8 and 15. Inform them if you would like witnesses from Stadshuset or if you are bringing two of your own witnesses.
Kontakta oss
Vigselförrättare i Ludvika kommun
Anette Andersson
Telefon: 0240-869 66
Jessica Rosengren
Telefon: 0240-866 56
Jörgen Hammarin
Telefon: 073-332 7030
Maria Strömkvist
Telefon: 076-777 09 16
Leif Pettersson
Telefon: 0240-861 10
Nils Nyström
Telefon: 076-134 60 90
Annette Göransson Wingård
Telefon: 0240-173 70 (kontorstid 9–12, 13–16)
Mobil: 070-521 75 40
Kristina Beyerl Karlsson
Telefon: 073-255 40 16
Ted Hartman
Mobil: 0705876487
Stadshusets reception
Besöksadress: Dan Anderssons gata 1
Telefon: 0240-861 20
Postadress: Ludvika kommun, Stadshuset, Receptionen, 771 82 Ludvika
Receptionens öppettider: 10-12, 13-15.
Ludvika kommun
0240-860 00
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