TV: Ludvika – a powerful place
There is much to be proud of in our wonderful municipality.
With the support of local ambassadors who live and work here, we will explore what makes Ludvika so special through a series of films.
Local pride is a crucial factor in navigating the exciting and challenging growth journey we have embarked on.
This is true whether you live in Ludvika, Grängesberg, Sunnansjö, Blötberget, Nyhammar, Saxdalen, Grangärde, Fredriksberg, or anywhere else in the municipality.
One thing is certain: the more people who join us, contribute to, and believe in this journey, the better it will be.
Ludvika – a powerful place
Tobias Hansson, Hitachi Energy
Sara Funke, incomer
Izabelle Adolfsson and Henrik Hammargren, rural residents
Tom Sakofall, entrepreneur
Kontakta oss
Ludvika kommun
0240-860 00
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