Welcome to Ludvika
Here, you will find information about living and working in Ludvika together with some helpful tips.
First, let us introduce you to our lovely city which lies in the beautiful county of Dalarna in the heart of Sweden.
Nestled on the banks of Lake Väsman and surrounded by forests, mountains, and valleys Ludvika is the third largest city in Dalarna with approximately 27 000 inhabitants, half of whom live in the city centre.
Much to experience
The suburbs extend westwards some 60 km to Fredriksberg, home to Säfsen Resort which has been ranked the fourth best winter, wilderness and nature experience in Sweden.
In the northern suburbs lie Nyhammar and Grangärde, well known for the imposing 14th century church which stands between Lake Bysjön and Lake Björkan. And, in the south lies Grängesberg, which has one of the finest sandy beach and bathing areas in Dalarna, and the famous concert hall, Cassels.
Home to a wide range of clubs, associations, and a vibrant business community, Ludvika is renowned for its high-tech industries and through Hitachi Energy as a world centre for power transmission.
Ludvika is a great place to live and work, and people from around the world have chosen to move here, to settle in our city and the surrounding villages. The city has a rich and diverse culture and a wealth of fascinating places to visit, more than 360 tranquil lakes, an abundance of nature activities, action packed sports, beautiful views and unspoilt landscapes. There´s something for everyone.
Kontakta oss
Ludvika kommun
0240-860 00
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